Transparent Metals

Temporary Manipulation of Photon Pathways Through a Solid Non-Transparent Metallic Mass



New explanation on the electron ring concept and how it applies to the current version of the periodic table.
How do compounds share outer electron rings and exhibit new properties different from contributing elements although the nuclei do not touch in conventional theories?
What properties within the atom controls the states of matter?
Why and how water expands as its temperature falls below 4 Co.
Transparent Metals are not based a chemical formula, but an applied a charged subatomic particle field projected across what present science considers a static positional molecular state of matter where the mass has metallic properties.
By-Products a new approach for night vision technology where resolution and illumination equals that of natural daylight.

   The key to metallic transparency, the ability for light to pass through a mass which has metallic characteristics, has been introduced in the properties of the gravity subatomic particle, but a basis concerning the atom and movement of subatomic particle flow is presented in the atomic structure and particle movement, which is needed as prerequisites to move forward. For those in need of a more complex explanation on subatomic particle interaction and behavior of the nucleus and the elemental transmutation process, consult the reference paper, antimatter.
   The process to controlling the properties of all elements and metal alloys is dependent upon the shared electron stream and uniformity of the compound. Examination of the process, which creates and maintains a compound, will be reevaluated. Currently, scientists in the field of chemistry, establishes that all links and changes to properties are related to the bonds made by revolving electrons around the established model of the atomic nucleus. A: We need to contemplate how the concept of sharing of electrons, bonds and ring completion determine the properties of a compound? In addition, how does this relationship of electron sharing revolving around the nucleus are connected by these bonds? Then consider what causes the primary mass of the atom to change when the electron does not share the new links with the core of the atom under conventional theories? How the process of compounds are uniform when the electrons are shared? B: Clarification of how the Periodic table truly works? C: What controls the states of matter? D: How water in a solid state floats on its liquid state? Finally, E: Description of Universal Chemical Reaction
   In the field of chemistry, there is a need to explain how a change in properties concerning the nucleus when there is significant spatial distances between the elements, but no contact with the shared electron cloud and the primary mass of the atom occurs, the nucleus remains as the standard. The answers to these questions will form a new foundation for development of transparent metals.
   A: The first step is to consider in a new approach to the chemical bonding of the molecular structure, where the basic atomic concept of the proton and neutron is present in some orderly fashion for all elements, but is manipulated by a common fluid stream that flows through all elements that share a chemical bond, and thus, this becomes the controlling factor in the properties of a compound. A shared electron stream will no longer be defined by the current public standards presented in textbooks that have electrons revolving around the nucleus, but an alternative view that proposes a pass-through of the nucleus containing an established stable representation of protons and in most cases varying amounts of neutrons. The pressure and combination of subatomic particle flow allows uniformity so that properties of matter of the basic components of the atoms are linked as a molecule to be shared by all within the shared subatomic particle loop (molecular bond).
   B: The density of the electron stream is the determinate to what physical state an element resides, which shall be covered more detail in section C. Considered are the standard variables of pressure, universal temperature units relative to a point where the motion of subatomic particle approaches, but does not reach a value of null (mankind‘s absolute zero). The new factors that are to be considered. Particle crowding, due to flow of the electron stream through the nucleus, which controls containment shell around the nuclear core of the atom as a result of gravitational flow (an introductory model covered in properties of a gravitational subatomic particle) on the most basic elementary level. Secondary, flow intensity of the electron subatomic particles entering and exiting the polarized poles of the nucleus is a combination of neutral vs. charged particles. Where the charged particles are the determinant for the jumps between transformation points of the elemental atoms and the ratio of neutral controlled in proportion to charged are responsible for the various isotopes.

   The differential represents the total net potential charge of all the particles flowing within the stream measured at expulsion (mankind’s north or positive pole) to that of the base (mankind‘s south or negative pole), the entry point of the nucleus. The foundation starts when each atom in its pure state before molecular mixture occurs. I will again modify what is considered a form of energy and redefine it as a charged subatomic particle that hovers within and about an atom.

   When you examine elements that are lined up in a row of the periodic table one discovers the density of matter follows a bell curve. The densest elemental matter is near the middle of the horizontal rows. This is not by chance. In a short explanation, as the charge on the electron increases there is a greater attraction of mass further compressing the stream increasing density of stable elemental matter. A point is reached where electron subatomic particle flow reaches critical density, particle movement reverses compression as a need to evade crowding and has sufficient pressure to expand of the core of the nucleus due to incoming pressure of the mass, thus diffusing the gravitational flow ensues. The general elemental state of matter now is moving from solids to liquid to finally a gas, when capped with the electron formed at capacity the noble gas is formed. Then repeats the same sequence of events in the next elemental ring as defined by mankind’s science.  A detailed version follows.

   As was explained in the paper antimatter, mass increases thru the addition of various combinations of protons and neutrons, attracted to the base nucleus by an subsequent intensification of electron subatomic particle pass-thru flow. At lock points the various unique elements are formed as a balance between charged and neutral particles achieve stability. 

   With any controlling force there are many factors to be considered. As the intensity of the charge increases the affected mass attracted further compress the electron subatomic particle flow. The primary reaction allows the core to increase gravitational subatomic particle flow due to increase consolidation of the nuclear core further increasing the capacity for a higher mass carrying load to charge. There comes a point in the electron subatomic particle stream as neutral particles are added as the charge increases, compression of atomic mass around the stream eventually encounters an increasing repulsive force due to general crowding of particle movement to which, a maximum is achieved on each atomic level.  The core begins to expand as the charge increases, thus diffusing the core and gravitational flow. The end result is a reduction in density of new elements forming after the point of maximum mass. This continues until the state of matter approaches that related to a gas. The ability for gravity to contain the mass stops as expansion of the core decreases gravitational flow, matter builds on the surface over increments of time. Compression of the electron subatomic particle stream initiates again as the core gravity increases and matter now falls back and new incoming matter the host mass compresses then expands as the electron rebounds and expands then compresses again in a never ending equalizing cycle. No room to take on any additional electron stream or mass (current versions of chemistry, refers to formation of various electron rings that caps at a version of noble gas). Thus the formation of the inert element is completed. The excess is vented until the excess subatomic electron flow reaches a new charge on the new excited level where creation on new matter is formed in what mankind considers a new ring with matter denser at the equilibrium point. The cycle repeats on the newly created electron subatomic particle flow path.

   C: Reference: Determinates for the Basic 3 States of Matter

   The electron stream is the natural determinate in which, the state matter resides in. Where there is a direct relationship to the primary dependent variables, ambient universal temperature and location specific applied gravitational pressure or artificially created compression due to proximity or containment about or within a mass.
   Secondary properties to be considered are the density of the flow and configuration of the total stream, which manipulate the position of key subatomic particles which compose the proton (s) and neutron (s) within the nucleus. It is the stream of the atom’s nucleus that is altered by the bonding that changes the characteristic and properties of the nucleus bound by the common molecular bond or what will be known compound nucleus electron subatomic particle flow sharing between what was independent atomic element structures. When considering this new approach, new opportunities will open up as opportunities to custom design matter and tweak its characteristics for specialized applications.

   This new foundation will allow mankind to explore many avenues of research and expand rapidly towards new discoveries in the field of chemistry currently not available under the conventional textbook models.
The basic state, which matter resides in gaseous, liquid and solid is a complex interaction of several primary factors. Ionized a variation of the gaseous form is omitted due the interaction of the electro-magnetic flow, which distorts the basic model.
   The technical concentration will be on the electron neutral subatomic particle flow portion of the stream that controls 2 major areas, subatomic particle separation of the nucleus and its dependant, the gravitational subatomic particle flow alignment and the ability to diffused central core of the host mass. As a sub-function, gravity subatomic particle flow varies from a diffused to a somewhat organized wave format, determining the rigidity of containment surface of the atomic nucleus or translations into states of matter related to the ambient temperature where the reference approaches that which heat does not exist, but does not reach as a start point in this universal plane.
   Electron flow: Current science has touched upon the basics of the interacting components of the atom when describing the primary concepts of electron rings, molecular bonding, opposing charge balance, magnetic dipolar field creation and flow, so how can we build? Expanding on present theories, lets consider some new fundamentals. We will examine how compression of the stream due the nucleus’ gravitational flow due to the host mass vs. push back from the density of the electron subatomic particle stream flow initiates each new level when an equalization point is reached. Secondary, the electron flow affects on the core, which is responsible for gravity flow affecting the state of matter.
   As with any increase in charged particle flow in conjunction with intensification of stream flow, there is a direct inverse reaction on the central core controlling the inbound flow of gravity subatomic particles and the burst rates of the concentrated repulsion subatomic particle streams. It is where the force of the electron seeking equalization exceeds that of the contain gravitational flow due to mass and diffusion and expansion of the stream dilutes the structural integrity of matter. A point occurs where of subatomic particle electron flow expands the mass to a gaseous state until the forward pressure falls back upon the stream forcing an electron particle stream stabilization while excess is ejected and forms a basis to establish a new stream at the next higher level. As constriction decreases, charge is maintained, flow to neutron stability drops in relation to increase shedding of electron subatomic particle flow, resultant the protons and neutrons are maximized, ring capped.
   Electron stream charge vs. its density, primarily and secondary affect, the diffusion of the core responsible for gravity flow or state of matter it resides in. As was introduced in the properties of a gravitational subatomic particle is responsible for the shell of the proton and neutron particles. This same flow also determines the state of matter a particular element resides in. The electron stream charged particles draw the mass while the volume of the neutral portion of the stream spreads the core. This in turn, this is responsible for the diffusion of the central primary mass responsible for containment of gravity subatomic particles its and the expulsion of the repulsion particle flow. The more diffusion the greater area to mass ratio, the determinate for relative state of matter in conjunction to pressure, heat sub atomic particle infiltration of the nucleus and vibrational frequency of the affected matter.
   Matter that is in a gaseous state defined under the current parameters of science expands to a random shape as multiple containment forces limits of its shape due to equalization within the general area of release, primarily energy added by the absorption of heat subatomic particles, gravitational sources, pressure and sub atomic particle crowding. In general, mass is expanded by rapid movements and collisions of atoms due to heat or kinetic energy, but how does this apply to the vacuum of space? Does not the random nebulae or gaseous cloud formation hold its form or expand in the same cloud like observed on Earth? A shape created in the apparent absence of any containment force within space. Gravity holding the clouds of gas would be shaped as a set of interconnecting globes of containment with allegiance to the largest gravitational source, but this is not what is observed when viewing gaseous nebulae clouds throughout the universe. Once addressing all that has flawed current consensus, how can this concept be explained by real world experiences? Where doubt on the current explanations should be questioned, this is progressing slowly, when considered, some will adapt new alternatives so that some sectors of progressive scientific thought can move forward. And if so, how can the concept of a gas and its properties be updated to answer today’s questions and unsolved mysteries?
   The concept of matter in a gaseous state of highly active atoms colliding and expanding due to temperature is to be modified. A key factor to be considered is how does the weak force of gravity universal level maintain containment as a counter force where equilibrium is achieved counter to the high kinetic energy of an expanding mass of gas within the near vacuum of space? It does not.
   So lets introduce a new basic view in the field of chemistry and address the states of matter, where the model of the atom expands from its nuclear primary core instead of a general foundation of expansion of 3 dimensional space between the atoms due to thermal or kinetic energy.
   An interrelationship is dependent upon a specific charge to neutral ratio particle flow and density on an electron stream, which causes the separation of properties of the elements. The property of mass vs. density, which is controlled by the flow of gravity subatomic particle flow limits expansion of the nucleus on the micro atomic level. This will explain how matter can have no form yet limit its expansion in a what seems to be a vacuum of space. Thus equalizing into a homogenous density soup clustered about the universe.
   D: It is only when the force of magnetism is introduced in a relationship to a molecular model that has dipolar characteristics of a polarized charge place upon its molecule can rules of physics and chemistry take advantage of a narrow temperature variation around pivot points of matter stasis’ transformation points, known to mankind as freezing and boiling points of various at specific matter rules of states of matter can vary. All of which we will cover here. So how would this concept in chemistry explain the many mysteries of one of the most abundant surface molecular components on Earth? Water, the essence of all life has several unusual features. I will explain two of the most basic, the ability of a liquid state of water to be at maximum density near 4o C than its solid form and water surface tension (mankind’s explanation).
   The dipolar characteristic of water molecules allows a new variable to be introduced. Where the relative state of matter in relation to the quantity of heat subatomic particles per defined mass and its relationship to matter as it transposes thru a specific state of liquid to solid. Although there is a twist, as the water molecule achieves maximum density at 4 Co above its transformation to a solid molecular format.
   There is a resolution to the mystery of how the mass of water in the liquid state approaches maximum density and then expands while transmuting from a liquid to a solid, counter to the laws of physics, there is an explanation.
   Shrinkage of water molecule due loss of heat subatomic particles is unique in that these subatomic particles are diffused slowly, part 1 of the equation. The properties and characteristics of heat subatomic particles (detailed definition to be explained at a later date) or its proportional counter force pressure, has a relative affect on a mass, and when responsible for the diffusion of a mass’s core, it is the flow of gravity subatomic particles that affects the transitional process of matter and its various states. It is here that the relationship that controls the state of matter, relays on a mix heat subatomic particles the pivot point that transpires water to solid and its reverse process. The twist is that the magnetic dipolar characteristic decreases exponentially as it approaches the pivot point, the translational zone where matter jumps from one state to another. The magnetic component responsible for molecular core compression, in conjunction with a retarded linear loss of heat subatomic particles due to mass vs. time face tension. The magnetic component tweaks the natural transitional pivots points to where water to the reach it maximum density 39.164 F as new part of the equation.

   Now that you have the basic concept gravitational diffusion of the subatomic particle flow maintaining the structure to the nuclear shell within the atom as a determinate for the state of matter, lets add to examine the next level. An introduction of the standard variable of heat subatomic particles, which manipulate the electron stream affecting the core, thus tweaking gravitational flow and ability to maintain a coherent point for a surface barrier to form. This is not new, but how we look at the interaction will be. Insert into the equation, the magnetic attraction due to dipolar characteristics of water. This added attraction occurs at the various nuclei of the molecular formation of water. As the temperature drops, the heat subatomic particles evacuate the electron stream. Compression occurs as the electron flow affects smaller cross sectional area for pass thru. With a tighter stream, there is a greater ability to carry a larger amount of mass per a defined area due to increased gravitational flow. Include the additional the attraction of the force related to magnetic properties, but consider

this is not maintained in a linear fashion. All are familiar to the fact that temperature affects the flow electron related subatomic particles within the natural temperature range of Earth. The force related to shell rigidity due to magnetism, drops off sharply as a result to the loss of heat subatomic particle with the maximum density of water occurring at a artificially created point with the additional magnetic subatomic flow contributing to the overall containment force. As an exponential rate of decreasing force occurs, once passed the equilibrium point of maximum density of water, an oddity of nature occurs. The mass once relieved of the added attraction due to magnetic dipolar effect expands until stabilization as matter transposes to a solid form.

   Secondary, lets examine surface tension. The characteristics concerning magnetic attraction of water molecules due to the charged poles. This attraction has the ability to bond and form an outside containment skin due to mutual attraction. Thus allowing water molecules to build above a rim of a container until the weaker force, gravity affects the total mass on the molecular level. The resultant is an interaction of gravity and additional mass above the natural point of equilibrium the elevation of the rim, until it compromises the magnetic bonding due to the dipolar force, causing spillage over the rim.
   Examining surface tension of water, it is a form of supportive structure countering the force of gravity by replacing volume displaced by the foreign matter in conjunction with cohesion of outer edge of a mass composed of water molecules linked by a mutual dipolar charge initiating a magnetic bond. The support is provided by the molecular magnetic linkage of the outside skin that counters and somewhat neutralizes the gravitational force in relation the displacement of water that allows low mass or diffused surface mass objects to float on the surface of water.
   E: Description of Universal Chemical Reaction: As an example, lets look at 2 of the most abundant basic elements when combined, both have properties radically different the original components. Bonds formed by a chemical reaction of a molecular level under the current laws of Chemistry explain why they link and how stability is maintained under establish laws, but offer no insight on how the completed molecule takes on new aspects of an altered state of matter and in this case which we are examining, H2O that which becomes the basic building block of what we call life on Earth, water. Consider that the electron stream when flowing through the separate nuclei of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms has the properties of gas at the present temperature and gravitational forces experienced on Earth. Once merged what determines the new properties of the combined molecular matter?
   When considering this new approach to the field of chemistry lets break down a step by step of the co-existence atoms of hydrogen and oxygen within the same mixing area until a spark is introduced. Matter in a gaseous state has very little carrying capacity for an introduction of added subatomic particles related to heat. If in the right combination they break down and form new bonds. So lets look at what transpires. Hydrogen and oxygen can exist in an inert environment of an abstinence of a catalyst, but how does a simple spark change the relationship between the two gases when 3 dimensional spatial area is shared?
   Injection of heat subatomic particles (an ignition spark) to a stable elemental gaseous random fractional cubic centimeter zone (set by nature or sentient being) in equilibrium, causes an overload in that selected localized area. Resulting in a heat subatomic particle saturation to the nucleus of the affected hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Thus a shedding process initiates, as a natural process of release of stable heat subatomic particles now not needed due to the consolidation hydrogen-oxygen electron bonded stream. As a resultant, this causes a cascading self perpetuating vacuum flow within the electron stream of both atoms in molecular form until equalization occurs, observed as the cloud of heat subatomic particle contracts back towards the new compound. Heat subatomic particle expulsion via the electron stream particles is due to elemental bonding and a new lower carrying point for the new compound.
   If we examine the process on the localized atomic level, the evacuation of heat subatomic particles create natural gaps during their exit process. So lets take a close look at the domino effect of heat subatomic over saturation in the area once the introduction of a spark is introduced to the environment containing the elements of hydrogen and oxygen. As heat subatomic particles infiltrate and overwhelms the electron stream which is carried into both the oxygen and corresponding hydrogen atoms already in a gaseous state, expansion takes place where organized atomic subatomic particles electron subatomic particle flow exclusive to each element is temporarily disrupted by the influx of heat subatomic particles. This disturbance expands the electron stream beyond its natural containment, allowing a mix of the two separate electron streams to reform in the void left from the heat subatomic particles caught in the outgoing draft. Nature now allows the right combination of corresponding subatomic particles finds a counter charge to balance with the molecular combination of neutral and positive related subatomic particles. The electron stream locks, with a higher charge across the stream, attraction occurs and compression of matter as the mass carry equilibrium expands stabilizes. A compromise in the electron stream, which allows completion of the elemental ring due to the evacuation of heat subatomic particles as a new compound. The result is a greater molecular gravitational force within the core thus compressing the state of matter of both elements as separate entities of gaseous contributors into a new molecule. The resultant under Earth’s gravitational field is a matter transformation liquid molecule stasis. The excess, heat subatomic particles are released into the ambient medium and the transitional particles are leached over time as the gaseous state of the 2 elements transpose to liquid in the current temperature field of this planet Earth. The excess heat is shed as matter settles into a liquid state as a union provides the cascading catalyst to maintain the volatile chemical reaction as long as there is a source of the initial 2 atoms. Rapid expansion of surrounding matter, shock wave presented as the leading front or edge of change and energy transfer where the stable matter is excited due to over saturation, but passes as the particle field expands outward, the return to normalization releases energy in the form of photons and non transformed heat subatomic particles, flash and burn.

Transparent Metals

   In the quest to provide a breakthrough in the development of transparent metals, the goal is to limit the absorption of light subatomic particles due to diffusion of random chaotic pathways thru a dense mass. Most metals are primarily reflective allowing little penetration with the remainder absorbed and reemitted frequencies that cannot be interpreted by the human retina, thus the various shades of grey. Transparency takes advantage general principles symmetry and synchronization of a wave format yielding amplification as a by-product. The key is an application of a mild charged particle flow field technology where the goal is positional stabilization of photon reflective metallic related subatomic particles. The inequalities between atoms are forced into temporary crystalline patterns through an injection of neutral subatomic particles, which maintains a delicate float between the affected atoms increasing rate synchronized reflection as angles of incidence approaches that of a parallel line. A slight applied charge locks the positions of metallic atoms affected by a polarized charge. Passage of light subatomic particles or photons, attenuate all particles creating wave displacement as only photons entering the artificially created gap only pass at a certain angle of incidence thus reinforcing the incoming light wave in the mankind’s form of an amplified photon. Light in its natural form scatters, but it only takes a select few from strategic points to provide a reinforced coherent image. It is this point that is exploited. The few photons that penetrate the artificially created pathways bypassing natural absorption are amplified thru a coordinated reinforcement of parallel reflective incidence. Normally passage results in absorption, once saturation is achieved, the excess is reemitted in various frequencies of gray, which in most cases does not register its true color due the limitations of the human retina.
   The Key: Establish a uniform density of the electron stream, which is needed to maintain an artificially created temporary crystalline format of subatomic particle field within the core each independent atom of the host metallic mass. It is about creating a pathway for photons to glance and bounce through a nucleus where the absorption rate is significantly reduced resulting in transmission of photon through what was seen as dense light absorption matter. One realizes this is easily achieved when matter is seen in a fluid state, but applied parameter dictate the level static position or level of a the state of matter.
   The template for the electron subatomic particle flow within a solid mass is available in nature, start by examining the various crystalline masses and establish common point between the various electron subatomic particle flows as a base. This will provide you with a new fast track for success. Normally in the nuclei of metals, there are many various paths a photon can take. As encounters with an erratic dense subatomic particle field occur, diffusion of the stream of photons propagates into random collisions until all are absorbed by the host metallic mass. Upon saturation, the photons and all energy absorbed are reemitted in an alternate wavelength in proportion those that are transposed into heat subatomic particles.
   The known natural property of most metals when the surface variations approach a uniform plane is reflectivity, the change is through a designed subtle charge where neutral charged subatomic particles provide the separation and a very small charge provides uniformity creating a atomic subatomic particle matrix. It allows penetration through the surface for short wavelengths of energy including photons, but allows passage by reflective glancing as the artificial created crystalline arrangement of subatomic particles are maintained a temporary uniform position as a reaction to the artificially induced uniform electron subatomic particle flow. No leakage or loss of strength as the electron stream still the basis of all matter fills the gap, but allows transmission. Uniformity means taking advantage of what you the natural movement of a particle, instead of controlling the emitter, regulate a small variable attractant on the far side of the metal using the mass between the points of charge differentials to diffuse evenly thus initiating an even flow. It is a vacuum that is needed for it is the control of a neutral added sub atomic particle stream needed to expand the molecular format of the metallic host. Secondary a charged established pool electron subatomic particles where introduced, allows a concentrated glancing linear flow of penetrating photons where the differential of angle of incidence attenuates subatomic particle stream random cancellation, thus establishes an amplified flow due to draft and synchronization. This accelerates additional subatomic particles to move the low pressure area which only increases until equalization. It is the varied flow that is amplified instead of the charge. No different than a transistor where a small charge determines a large flow whether amplitude or flow amperage. This allows all photons within the transmission pathway to be equally amplified upon passage thru the metallic mass. So depending upon the charged field separation of the pathways, that controls light amplification of the image through the metallic barrier.
   A distinct technological advantage it seems for the US, but it has a greater purpose and will be used wisely as a new version of night vision is introduced. The primary use will be for rescue, crime prevention and many other applications to benefit all of mankind. This by-product of transparent metals will be seen as leap over current night vision with its narrow spectrum dependent upon a select wavelength band pertaining to infrared. Advantages, will be a true daylight field of vision, elimination of light source saturation blinding the field of view as burst are scattered and limited by pathway absorption rates and field separation intensity. True color representation of the field of view is achieved as all frequencies have uniform amplification. Third, the neutral to charged particle ratio is smaller as the goal, where subatomic particle crowding is used to maintain the distance and localization subatomic particle format in a metal.

   So how will this new technology operate in the real environment of space where stellar light can saturate visual aids? If one was the pass in front of a star a smaller applied field across the metallic mass would shunt light passage. Secondary, an application of 2 layered controlled fields within the metal would control reduction or magnification of the field of view. Superimposing the infrared spectrum would expose living beings hidden within that which is innate or plant like. This is just a few of the many concepts and properties of this new technology.
   Adjustments of pathways shall only allow a narrow band related to light to pass, thus cutting or reinforcing infrared wavelengths on the low end and elimination of ultraviolet and higher x, gamma and cosmic rays on the high end to be absorbed and reemitted in most cases to a harmless wavelength.
   The next advance to be presented is the ability to create a static repulsive gravitational subatomic particle barrier (mankind’s theoretical version of a force field). Where the key will be attain a coherent alignment of the gravitational sub atomic particle flows into a converged concentrated organized at the expense of the current diffused expansion of the X and Y axis at the loss of the Z axis, which compress to a focal point. Where the ability to sync repulsive flows creates an impenetrable barrier to all forces created by man. The lesson will be synchronization of repulsive flow not only is more effective, but does waste the random cancellation force of wave formats that stops particle flow. A new paper will detail this new technology to be used only in a benign fashion for the benefit of all mankind as another gift from God, for which He shall oversee.

   Following, the a basic introduction on matter replication, which forms the foundation for point to point matter transfer using an advanced technique of supplemental and cancellation particle wave patterns rotating about the directional column as various reflective angles of incidence are used to complete the 3 dimensional format of the host matter in transit at its base, instead of 360 degree controlled area about the x-y axis affecting the incoming vertical z axis of encoded particles for reassembly at designated delivery point.

   A little help on matter transfer concepts:

Do not get hung up on the original matter moving, but it is the ability to use available sources and reproduce the original format, when trying to create liquid water does one extract it from available resources or carry it from one location to another? What does nature do? Do not get ahead of yourself by asking about living matter, this will covered in the well into the future, start with the basics.

   The primary uses for these advancements in this paper, antimatter and that which follows is to help mankind with a source of clean unlimited energy, ability to create strategic materials, a new source of elements without mining, a reliable source organic matter for food and medical needs all without altering or impacting the environment of Earth.

Order of released new information may be varied to be used as a prerequisite for a clearer understanding.


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Mankind's Definition


Magnetic and Electric Effects on Water

Water, being dipolar, can be partly aligned by an electric field and this may be easily shown by the movement of a stream of water by an electrostatic source [163]. Very high field strengths (5 x 109 V m-1) are required to reorient water in ice such that freezing is inhibited [251]. Even partial alignment of the water molecules with the electric field will cause pre-existing hydrogen bonding to become bent or broken. The balance between hydrogen bonding and van der Waals attractions is thus biased towards van der Waals attractions giving rise to less cyclic hydrogen bonded clustering.

